Upcoming Events
Mon-Fri, July 18-22, 2016
1000 Islands Summer School of the Arts:
Preparing For the Journey ARTS6000
Travelling often means using a camera and not a pencil to record your experiences. Through indoor and plein air locations of study, you will augment your powers of observation to create successful artworks while on location in other countries. This training will improve your ability to observe culture, colour, people, unique landscape and architecture. Learn how to simplify images in order to capture special moments quickly. Simple materials, personal reference material, working with live models, plus outdoor experiences will assist in creating stronger images. As an added bonus you will become experiences in packing and protecting your materials and finished artworks for travel. Canadian course code - Arts 6000 Cost: $315 $10 material fee due at first class. Where: St . Lawrence College, Brockville Contact: 613-345-0660 Ext. 3283 or 1-866-276-6601 (press 3) or contact me - See more at St. Lawrence College
- See more at St. Lawrence College
Mon-Fri, July 25-29, 2016
Inspired by the Human Figure:
Introducing the Figure Into your Work ARTS6006
This new five day workshop explores different means of expressing the human form through various approaches of classical, abstract, monotype, and mixed media. There will be a model present for the first three mornings of the session, to create and assist with ideas and inspiration. The painting aspects will emphasize composition, brushwork, colour, etc. The mixed Media painting will assist in discovering ways of layering creating texture, collage and transfer of imagery. All levels welcome. Canadian course code - Arts 6006 Cost: $315 Where: St . Lawrence College, Brockville Contact: 613-345-0660 Ext. 3283 or 1-866-276-6601 (press 3) or contact me
Check back regularly to stay up-to-date with what's happening!

Welcome to the website of Visual Artist Robin Baker
Robin Baker is a Merrickville, Ontario based mixed media artist and instructor who has worked in the fine arts since her training at Wayne State University in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Throughout this time her works have been displayed in many local and national exhibits, as well as prestigious publications such as the Queens Quarterly. Her works from past shows are displayed in the galleries of this website and provide an glimpse into her most recent works. To contact her concerning the purchase of a work or about upcoming events please visit the contact page. Thank-you and enjoy your visit.
"The Human body is the best picture of the human soul."
-Ludwig Wittgenstein